Friday, 30 April 2010

So, it arrived on Wednesday evening and I took off on it on Thursday morning. The wind was off the hill, the rain was in the distance, but I had to fly it. I'm happy to say.. It didn't kill me :-)

I admit that it was hardly booming ripping thermals, more smooth ridge soaring with the odd lifty bit, but it flew and stayed flying! The bits look thinner and harder to understand... I've no idea how the speed system engages itself, but it did and I flew quicker :-)

So far, I'm a happy bunny......... oh dear.......... now I have to fly it into a thermal :-(

Sunday, 25 April 2010


Anticipation......... as the clouds of Volcanic Ash settle, I find my glider is stuck in Vietnam April 19th or Bangkok on April 21st or God knows where now on April 25th. I've planned my diary to complete all work obligations, I've bought no more properties (just finished renovating one) Now the summer is here but my wing isn't AARRGGHHHH!!!
The comp season has begun and I've not flown at all yet this year!! Hopefully, the wing should arrive during this next week and I can get on and learn it a little