Saturday, 9 October 2010
Comp 6 The World Cup Super Final. Turkey.
This was a veritable Who’s Who of competition Paragliding. Every person you spoke to was the Champion of something. The Team member of their country, the designer or test pilot top wings. It was an honour to fly amongst them, until the sods starting crashing into me!! There were mid airs all the time on every task; the flying was aggressive to the degree of stupidity. The launch mountain was cross wind so the R10 dance was a sight to see. Our own Adrian Thomas tripped on launch, hitting a rock face first, missing task 1 and getting 40 stitches in his upper lip for good measure. He soldiered on, but I’m sure he was suffering, especially when he had a mid air on task 6, completely the other pilots fault.
The task setting was questionable to say the least, with strong winds forecast; they tasked us back into 40kph winds!! With classic skies downwind, it was very upsetting to have to turn back into wind, pushing into lee side rotor above shaded trees!!
All in all, 7 tasks of varying quality revealed a worthy winner in the very friendly French pilot Yann Martail. With
For Team
This is what you have to do to make the British Paragliding Team! 5 or 6 top comps and do very well in them. It’s a lot of dedication and even more skill and bravery.
Even if this does make Skywings, it’ll probably be skipped over to read about someone’s first 10k XC or ridge run in

Comp 5 The British Open St Andre les Alpes. Every paraglider pilot should fly in St Andre les Alpes!! It is an incredible place, surrounded by the rugged dry mountains of the southern Alps. The views, thermal strengths and transitions are simply breath taking. My family love the mountain biking, via ferratas, white water rafting the Verdon Gorge and swimming in the lakes. This comp was one of the biggest comps of the season with a very high pilot quality and the final leg of the British Championships. Jamie was the man to beat and Craig and I set about doing just that. Another strong team of French pilots could not knock our very own Russell Ogden off his perch as he won most tasks. Pierre Remy and I won the other two tasks, but after 6 scores Russ won the Open, with a brilliant 3rd spot for a consistent Mark Watts??
The other story lay in the British Championships, with Jamie Messenger feeling the pressure of the chasing pack; he choked at the run for the line. On the penultimate day both Craig and Jamie bombed as I took the lead and won the task from Luc Armont.
11 tasks and 11000 points scored, Craig and I were only 7 points apart. The closest fought championship in history. The final day saw marginal conditions, but I had the lead and with it the British Championships!! Then the call, ‘Task Stopped’ we had to land, but with more than half the task flown, I thought I’d won it! Back at HQ, they were scoring the task…… Yes, I’ve won it!! Only to be told that the score will be used in the Open but not for the British Championships! Some rule in sub section 8b(i) or something, meant a controversial task would upset the controversial discard system, so they would not count it.
Craig Morgan won, with me once again vice champ and Jamie in third. An incredible pull back by Mark Watts, to climb up to 4th. Adam Hill achieved 5th and our hearts go out to Chris Harland who flew a blinding campaign but got no luck in his lead out bombs ended in 6th. A big mention has to go to Emile Van Wyke, flying a Serial Class Gin GTO nicked 7th place off a comp wing chasing pack and our girl Kirsty Cameron nearly got into the British Top Ten, again on Serial Class Advance Omega 8
Every paraglider pilot should fly in Fiesche
Monday, 14 June 2010
Phew! and rest.
Monday, 7 June 2010
A mad 4 days
I then drove a Red Audi TT down to Slovenia for the start of British Championships.
Day 1, I came 6th and today I came 5th! If I can maintain this graph I'll come 1st in 4 days ;-)
Not got much time just now but will update and loads pictures soon.
Thursday, 3 June 2010
The final tasks
Tuesday, 1 June 2010
Sunday, 30 May 2010
Rain again

Yesterday saw us drive up the mountain and spend the entire day in the fog. By 5 oclock they set us a task in the hope we could fly!!!!! But as we were about to launch, they cancelled the task due to cu-nimbs building above us. Most of the field then launched anyway. But with back winds, the launches were more of a comedy. Top Swiss Jeorg slipped on his attempt and promptly slid down the grass and mud, crashing through gliders laid infront of him. Loads of other top class pilots did similar, so I paked up and walked down :-) They did manage to fly around a while before racing back to Abtenau before the thrashing rain fell upon the town and our suprise BBQ. Check out the team picture, as we've concluded that our characters incredibly match the cast of DADS ARMY. The closest match being Team manager Clavo who is definately Captain Mainwarings long lost son ;-)
Friday, 28 May 2010
First Cat 1 Task

Wednesday, 26 May 2010
Dodging the lightening
Although it was a bit rough and dangerous, I enjoyed the flight and am happy with my speed of flying and the wing. As we landed the heavens opened and the lightening began striking everywhere. It was too close a call and should have been binned way earlier.
Weather looks poor for next few days so we'll have to see how things pan out.
Monday, 24 May 2010
Rough skies over Austria

Flew a practise task today.50k...but as I took off, my helmet fell off!!!
Had to fly down the mountain and bottom land, so I didn't have time to fly entire the task.
Got back up the ski lift and Calvo handed me my lid!! joined the gaggle for the second half of the task.
It was rough and horrid, one reserve was thrown by Spaniard Larry Pino and plenty blow outs occured.
Russ was going real quick, he crossed the line first. Kirsty flew her wing for the first time, loves it!!
Back at Abtenua, we rushed to eat, gave up on doing downloads (the queue was too slow)
I had to be flag bearer during the procession. We had to dress in our team gear and take the flag up on stage etc. We will leave you with the two pictures and you can decide who were the crazy local dancers and who are the World class Paragliding Team :-)
Now back at our house after a long hard day and ready for some well earned sleep.
Sunday, 23 May 2010
Chasing the sunshine
Did all the registration and downloads........saying hello to all the old faces...... and I mean OLD faces..... when are the youngsters going to start taking over at this game???
So, it looks like we'll fly tommorrow...... yeahh..... but after that!!!! Lord knows when :-(
Saturday, 22 May 2010
Sun in UK and rain in Austria!!!
The town is filling up with other teams from across Europe. Apparantly the website shows our locations on Google Earth. We can find the French or Swiss team's houses just by going online!! Messages are left on the tags so there's no need to go out!
Our Team kit is very nice, especially the Team Jackets made from Soft Shell with embroidered logo's. Two T-shirts and a fleece. I am to be the flag bearer, mainly because nobody else wants to do it. Lets hope the town has arranged kids for the opening ceremony, that should get me out of doing it. The town seem to be very organised and the opening ceremony should be a good event.
Weather looks iffy tomorrow but flyable on Monday...... however.... not too good after that :-(The curse of 30 European nations coming together is upon us and we might get rained on all fortnight. Typical
The accomodation looks better on the web than it is in reality, but it's ok and we have WiFi here so should stay in contact easily.
I have gone for making up the bed settee in the conservatory, so I get my own room, even if it is mainly glass...! I've already spotted how they could have built it better!!!
Unfortunately...... it's raining...... and raining tommorrow.... and perhaps Sunday.... but then it looks good !!!!Lets just hope that good doesn't turn into too good and booming CuNimbs all over the sky. I'll let you know when we get to fly these huge lumps of rock that surround us!!
Sunday, 9 May 2010
Rough rides to cloud base and beyond

Friday, 30 April 2010
Sunday, 25 April 2010
The comp season has begun and I've not flown at all yet this year!! Hopefully, the wing should arrive during this next week and I can get on and learn it a little