We flew a task today! Hoorayy!! We just got in a quick short task before the expected over developement came. A 52k race around the smaller mountains, which turned out to be a really enjoyable flight.I was generally in the front gaggle all the flight.... the only problem being there were 90 other pilots in the first gaggle.Cloudbase was around 8000 feet with some great cloudstreets along our course. We could mainly straight line it on the bar.Dodging clouds as we went. I even led out for a short while, but my first thermal turn, found 70 pilots swamping over me.The rest of the flight, I chose to maintain my altitude and let others gamble down low. A great glide around the final turnpoint found me on a good glide into goal in the thirties. Mark Hayman pipped me in by 50 seconds and gained 17 places on me. It was that close.Russ messed up the final turn point so had to turn back a bit and lost a couple of minutes and Adrian just pipped Russ on his Serial wing.So I was second Brit in and have scored for my country Hoorahh!! Great Britain is in the top ten and only 150 points from France who are No.1The points are very close and there's everything to play for..... with a slim chance that we might task tommorrow. Hooraayy.
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